
In the category Shelving we offer you products of the following brands: eurokraft pro, hofe, eurokraft basic.

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Number of items: 180
Do you need new storage shelving units? Then you've probably already asked yourself the most important questions: how large are the premises? What needs to be stored in which quantities? How heavy are the goods for storage? The answers to these questions will soon reveal which storage shelving units are the right ones. The choice is now yours to make: boltless shelving units or bolt-together shelving units? Tubular shelves or mesh bases? It's easy to find the right shelving units for every storage requirement. Along with the storage shelving units shown on this page, we also have wide span shelving units or cantilever racking units. If you would like to completely reconfigure your storage areas, or if have special requirements, we're happy to help you right from the start. How we do that is shown in our project references.